Sue Duffield


During these uncertain times, you can be certain of one thing: your ability to change a child’s life for the better.

When you become a sponsor, your ongoing support will provide the things that every child needs to thrive – but not every child’s family can provide. Your gift will fill critical gaps between what a child has and what they need – things like clean water, nutritious food, protection from violence, loving care, a better education and the opportunity to grow into the person they were meant to become. Your friendship and encouragement will help a child living in one of the world’s poorest places to believe in their own potential and inspire them to live it fully, every single day.

Join Sue Duffield in making a lasting difference for a child today! Every sponsor that signs up through this landing page will receive an autographed “SUEBIQUITOUS: A Humorous Travelog of an Unfiltered Saint” book along with an insulated ChildFund water bottle! Just send an email with your sponsorship confirmation number to and we will ship you your free gifts!