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Have a question or concern?

Please read our frequently asked questions and answers below.

If you're still not finding what you need, our Sponsor Care representatives will be happy to assist you.

Thanks for everything you do to help children in poverty have a brighter future.

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FAQ Topics

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About Child Sponsorship
Donating With ChildFund
Sponsor Guide
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About Child Sponsorship

  • Can I post about my sponsored child on social media?
  • What is the difference between sponsorship funds and special gifts sent directly to my sponsored child?
  • What happens if my child leaves ChildFund's Programs?
  • Can I visit?
  • What are handling fee preferences?
  • Can I send gifts to my sponsored child?
  • What's an appropriate amount of money to give to my sponsored child?
  • Can I set up a special gift online for my sponsored child?
  • Can I phone my child or friend him on Facebook?
  • Why should I sponsor a child?
  • How does correspondence with my child work?
  • Will I be this child’s only sponsor?
  • How is my sponsorship money spent?
  • How are these children chosen?
  • What tangible benefits does the child receive?
  • How will I know I’m helping this child?
  • Will I receive a bill or a reminder?
  • How long does my sponsorship last?
  • Can I email my child?


  • What is the ChildFund Advisory Network?
  • How can we receive help from ChildFund International for our organization?
  • ChildFund International is a part of the ChildFund Alliance. What is the function of the Alliance, and what does it mean for ChildFund International?
  • How does ChildFund use my personal and financial information?
  • I donated through the door-to-door fundraising program. How do I make a change to my donation?
  • If I donate through door-to-door fundraising, is my information confidential?
  • How will I know if a door-to-door fundraiser is a legitimate ChildFund International fundraiser?
  • Does ChildFund participate in door-to-door fundraising?
  • What makes ChildFund special?

Donating With ChildFund

  • How do I update my payment information?
  • Can I donate through payroll deduction?
  • Can my contributions be deducted automatically?
  • Can I pay online?
  • How can I pay?
  • Is sponsorship tax deductible?
  • How does ChildFund use my personal and financial information?

Sponsor Guide

  • Can I post about my sponsored child on social media?
  • What should I do if I see an error in my giving history?
  • How much does my sponsorship cost?
  • What is the difference between sponsorship funds and special gifts sent directly to my sponsored child?
  • What can I do in my online account?
  • Why do I see the message, “Note: your account has several pending transactions”?
  • Why do I see an old photo of my child here?
  • How can I view my giving summary for tax planning?
  • Can I visit?
  • Can I phone my child or friend him on Facebook?
  • Will I be this child’s only sponsor?
  • Can I pay online?
  • How is my sponsorship money spent?
  • How can I pay?
  • What tangible benefits does the child receive?
  • Will I receive a bill or a reminder?
  • How long does my sponsorship last?