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Fatmata is a smart little girl. She lives with her parents, brother, sister and other family members in a village located in a savannah grass land region in the northern part of Sierra Leone. The family dwells in a mud brick house roofed with old zinc. She sleeps with her parents on a locally made bed with poor beddings. Water for domestic use is fetched from hand pump well that dried up during the dry season. The other source of water is from the stream. Fatmata usually fall sick due to the unsafe drinking water used at home. Her parents are engaged in farming growing crops and vegetables for home consumption. They earn a very little annual income of below US$288 which is not enough to take care of the family needs. Fatmata is not yet in school. She is very active and friendly. She enjoys playing hide and seek. Sponsorship support will help her to grow in a safe, secured and healthy environment.