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Jairus is a friendly boy who lives in the northern part of Uganda with his two loving parents and siblings. His family practices small scale farming where they grow crops like peas, cassava millet, sorghum for both consumption and some is sold for purchase of family basic items. The family sleeps under a dilapidated mud made hurt that needs renovation yearly since the roof is destroyed by termites. They always endure to stand during heavy down pour in the night putting them at a risk of diseases as they are affected by coldness that may even cause pneumonia. The family is unable to get clean water as the water that they have in the community is not protected and is shared with animals that has always exposed the family to water borne diseases yet they do not have any stand by source of income to attend to their medical needs. Your kind sponsorship to Jairus will help him attain his basic needs, as his parents will get many skills on farming as a business.