The good you do grows.

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The good you do grows.

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In it for kids since 1938.

We help children thrive in spite of the toughest challenges in the world. Because we know that every child, like every person, matters.

  • Putting children first

    Kids are our future – and our present. Working within communities to help children and families meet their basic, most urgent needs for health, education and safety is the core of who we are.

  • Local leadership, global impact

    Your support allows us to work with kids and families in 23 countries where children face unique challenges to their health and safety. Our programs are locally led and highly tailored, never cookie-cutter.

  • Experience you can trust

    With more than 85 years of experience working with children in challenging circumstances, we’re proud to be known for our commitment to child safety and financial accountability.

Start the friendship of a lifetime.

Start the friendship of a lifetime.

When you sponsor a child, your support and encouragement make a difference you can see firsthand.

Sponsor Now


Child sexual abuse is reported online more than 100,000 times every day. Take action with us to protect children online and off.

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Real Stories From Real People

  • Enala's Journey

    Once a child bride, Enala steps into her power.

  • Tackling Food Scarcity

    Food inflation is a growing threat worldwide. Here’s how we’re supporting families.

  • Holding Tech Accountable

    Stop putting the responsibility on parents to keep kids safe online.

Hope includes you.

When we work with children to create a better world, hope becomes a way of life for us all.