Protect Children Online

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We are unable to accept donations above $999,999.99 through our website.

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Give now to protect children from online sexual abuse.

As more and more children use the internet to play, learn and socialize with friends, more become targets for predators who would exploit them. As a result, reports of online sexual exploitation and abuse are skyrocketing – and children everywhere are at risk.

There are no easy solutions for this borderless crime, but protecting children starts with you. Your donation funds ChildFund programs all over the world that are fighting to end online sexual abuse through …

  • Digital safety education for children and parents
  • Advocacy initiatives that fight for stronger laws to protect kids
  • Anti-abuse youth training programs
  • Grassroots awareness campaigns to drive change and more!

With your support, we can begin to end online sexual exploitation and abuse today. Give now and be part of the solution to keep children safe online and off.