Help Child Survivors of War in Uganda


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Help Child Survivors of War in Uganda

Ongoing civil conflicts in South Sudan and the Democratic Republic of the Congo have driven millions of people from their homes, fleeing with only what they can carry to seek refuge in neighboring Uganda. Palorinya, a refugee settlement that ChildFund supports in northwestern Uganda, is now home to more than 125,000 survivors of war, mostly women and children. The kids who live here are struggling to recover from the extreme violence they have witnessed. And in the crowded, chaotic environment of the temporary settlement, they are at high risk of further harm in the form of abuse, neglect, exploitation, child labor and child marriage.

You can help ensure that child survivors of war have a safe, nurturing place to play, learn and recover. Your gift to the Emergency Action Fund supports three Child-Friendly Spaces at Palorinya where children are participating in organized activities designed to facilitate their healing from trauma. Staffed by trained ChildFund employees and volunteers, these special areas give children the opportunity to play and access basic education as their families work to rebuild their lives. Please give as generously as you can to protect these children in Uganda.